As a responsible business it is essential that we look to reduce resource consumption, both through our managed properties and also our development programme. In order to understand our progress, it is important that we monitor and measure our performance.

In order to ensure that we provide clear, transparent information for our investors and stakeholders, all sustainability reporting can be found within our Annual Report and Accounts including:

  • progress against our targets including those KPIs incorporated
  • within our sustainable debt and remuneration scorecard
    SECR reporting
  • disclosures required under TCFD

We have replaced our Sustainability Performance Report with data tables that can easily be uploaded by our investors and incorporated within broader data sets, these can be found here. We continue to work to improve the transparency of our processes and reporting and welcome feedback from our investors.

Read our Sustainability Basis of Reporting and accompanying Limited Assurance Statement from PwC LLP for the Annual Report, Accounts, and Sustainability Performance Tables 2024

View our Sustainability Performance Tables for 2024

Key Highlights

Carbon footprint progress: annual carbon emissions (tCO2e)

EPC ratings: percentage of portfolio (by sq ft) (%)

Current floor area certifications (%)


BREEAM rated Excellent/Very Good 675,217 sq ft
SKA rated Bronze/Silver/Gold 530,366 sq ft
WiredScore rated Platinum 364,241 sq ft
ActiveScore rated Platinum 221,493 sq ft
NABERS UK Energy for Offices 49,367 sq ft
Committed buildings Under development targeting BREEAM Excellent 676,605 sq ft

We continue to achieve high ratings in a variety of investor-led indices as shown below.

GRESB Real Estate

ETHIBEL Sustainability Index


Corporate ESG Performance


Medici Courtyard Detail

Governance and oversight

Management of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues is hardwired throughout our processes with oversight provided by our Sustainability Committee, Health and Safety Committee and Social Impact Committee. A sustainability and health and safety update is provided at each scheduled Board meeting by the Chief Executive and Executive Director, with formal updates provided at least twice a year. The Board and Audit Committee undertake an in-depth review of GPE’s Principal Risks which includes consideration of climate risk.

View our Sustainability Policy

Our Approach to Risk

Management Committees

The Sustainability Committee meets quarterly and is chaired by the Chief Executive. It provides strategic oversight on climate risk and resilience, reviews progress and development of sustainability strategy and monitors performance including progress in decarbonising our business. The Committee also provides oversight of the Decarbonisation Fund, our approach to health and wellbeing with respect to our buildings and the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain. The Sustainability Committee is supported by three operational sub-committees, finance, development and portfolio sustainability, which provide operational oversight and report on progress to the Sustainability Committee.

The Health and Safety Committee is chaired by our Executive Director, meets quarterly and is attended by key department heads with operational responsibility for health and safety. The Committee reports quarterly to Executive Committee and twice yearly to the Board, although health and safety updates are provided at each scheduled board meeting. The Health and Safety Policy is reviewed annually and approved by the Board. For more on health and safety see here.

Our Social Impact Committee is chaired by our Chief Financial and Operating Officer and meets quarterly. The committee reports to Executive Committee on a six-monthly basis and to the Board annually. Progress against our social impact strategy is publicly reported annually.