Five Year Record

Balance sheet








Property portfolio 1,987.1 1,894.5 2,144.4 1,922.2 1,911.0
Joint ventures 647.0 626.4 582.8 538.8 491.3
Trading property - - -
Loans and borrowings (444.3) (488.6) (531.2) (458.5) (565.4)
Other net (liabilities)/assets 13.3 (60.7) (83.1) (83.9) (253.9)
Net assets 2,203.1 1,971.6 2,112.9 1,918.6 1,583.0
Financed by          
Issued share capital 38.7 38.7 38.7 38.7 38.7
Reserves 2,164.4 1,932.9 2,074.2 1,879.9 1,544.3
Total equity 2,203.1 1,971.6 2,112.9 1,918.6


Net assets per share 868p 779p 835p 757p 624p
Net assets per share - EPRA* 868p 779p 835p 757p 624p

Income statement*








Revenue 102.5 88.5 84.2 91.2 95.4
Cost of sales (27.7) (24.7) (30.1) (32.2) (33.3)
  74.8 63.8 54.1 59 62.1
Administration expenses (29.0) (25.2) (35.0) (38.3) (42.3)
Estimated credit loss (0.1) (7.7) (4.1) (0.8) (0.1)
Development management losses (0.2) (0.1) (0.4) (0.1) -
Operating profit before deficit from property and results of joint ventures 45.5 30.8 14.6 19.8 19.7
(Deficit)/surplus on investment property (52.6) (156.8) 107.9 (145.0) (267.3)
Surplus on revaluation of investments - - - 0.1 (0.2)
Share of results of joint ventures 57.9 (76.2) 45.9  (33.4) (46.7)
Operating (loss)/profit 50.8 (202.2) 168.4  (158.5) (294.5)
Finance income 7.3 8.0 7.4  6.0 6.1
Finance costs (6.5) (7.8) (9.1)  (11.5) (17.1)
Fair value movement on convertible bond -  - (1.7)
(Loss)/profit before tax 51.6 (202.0) 166.7  (164.0) (307.8)
Tax 0.2 0.1 0.5  0.1 -
(Loss)/profit for the year 51.8 (201.9) 167.2  (163.9) (307.8)
(Loss)/earnings per share - basic 20.0p (79.8)p 66.1p  (64.8)p (121.7)p
(Loss)/earnings per share - diluted 20.0p (79.8)p 66.0p  (64.8)p (121.7)p
EPRA earnings per share - diluted 22.0p 15.8p 10.8p  9.5p 7.1p
Dividend per share 12.6p 12.6p 12.6p  12.6p 12.6p


* The directors have changed the way in which the Group’s performance is presented on the face of the income statement. The underlying results have not been amended and this modified presentation has had no effect on operating profit or profit for the year.